This blog continues on from part one, providing you with the tools to overcome resistant. In part one, I explained the importance of emotions and how you can bring your subconscious emotions to the conscious. If you haven’t read part one I suggest that you do by clicking here, then come back to read part…
Deal With Resistance Like A Pro, Part One
This two part blog will provide you with tools on how to overcome resistance within yourself and with others. Resistance is all around us, every day, hour and minute people are deciding whether or not to do something, or not do something. The resistance surrounding us is internal and external. Internal resistance is the battle…
Six tools to become more likeable?
This blog will provide you with a few tools that you can implement to become more likeable. Studies prove that people who are more likeable are happier, see more success and for more meaningful relationships. Whether you are an introvert or extrovert, being likeable is not automatic. Some people naturally have a likeability factor, but…
What To Do When Starting Your Career?
This blog will give you the top four actions to take when starting your career, in any industry and any job. I wish I fully understood this when I started out; why? Because it would have save me years of pain and effort. These four actions are actions you MUST start doing right now! It…
How to gain 5 extra hours per week?
In this blog I will be sharing with you one incredible tool on how to gain 5 extra hours per week, a tool which transformed my life. This year I did the following: set up a business, write blogs, carry out workshops, work in my day job, complete a Masters, wrote and published a book…
Why do I use daily affirmations?
“That’s a bit weird”. “You’re just masking a deeper issue”. “That won’t make a difference”. These are all things I hear when I tell people I hear when I tell people that I use daily affirmations as a tool to keep myself happy, passionate and motivated. And to be honest, I used to think the…
Learn How To Build Mental Resilience Now, Part Two
In part two of this two part blog I will be sharing tools which can help you build your mental resilience, solving another problem! These are tools which I have spent the last 10 years learning, developing and exercising. And, they actually work! I strongly recommend ready part one before moving on to the tools!…
Learn How To Build Mental Resilience Now, Part One
In this two part blog I will provide you with the tools to understand mental resilience and how to build a mentally resilient mind. The first step to building a mentally resilient mind is self-awareness. The most common problems which cause us pain in the work place are pressure and stress. In my previous blog…
How to master work related pressure and stress?
This blog will give you guidance on how to manage work related pressure (WRP) so that it does not become work related stress (WRS). Globally, in 2018, 15.4 million people were off-work with illness due to stress, depression or anxiety. To bring that to scale, in an organisation with 600 employees, that means ONE person…
Top 5 leadership books you must read now
There is a huge library of information out there; videos, books, workshops, seminars, and the list goes on. In order to simply this for you I have listed out below my top 5 leadership books that you need to read right now! How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. There is an…