Switch your mind set from manager to leader

Can switching your mind set from manager to leader transform your life? Forbes carried out a survey where they estimate that a lack of leadership in businesses costs up to $550bn annually. They discovered that companies have over 80 percent of managers that do not know how to lead people. This leads to distrust, isolated…

In-depth Leadership Review: Rishi Sunak

Are you interested in learning from other leaders in the world today? Yes, well you’re in luck, because that it was you will get from this post. Experience is essential in leadership and learning from others is one of the most effective and quickest ways to do that. In this post, the In-Depth Leadership Review…

How to overcome blockers in your life?

Are you fed up of not achieving what you want in life? Are you bored of not achieving what you want? Do you feel worth more, but something holding you back? The world is designed to stop us from achieving what we want. The world can be a harsh place creating blockers every step of…

How To Find time to your life?

Do you remember when you just wanted more time? When you said to yourself I wish I had more time? Remember when you didn’t have enough hours in the day? Yeah, so did I, but I tore down that barrier by doing the following exercise and added time to my life. As always, I will…

How To Start Making An Impact As a Millennial?

Are you worried that you aren’t making an impact in the world? Are you anxious because you feel like you aren’t doing enough? Are you concerned because you don’t feel like you are making a difference? Being a millennial this is one the biggest problems we face today. We want to positively impact the world….

Deal With Resistance Like A Pro, Part Two

This blog continues on from part one, providing you with the tools to overcome resistant. In part one, I explained the importance of emotions and how you can bring your subconscious emotions to the conscious. If you haven’t read part one I suggest that you do by clicking here, then come back to read part…

How to increase leadership influence, part three?

This blog continues on from part one and two which explains a concrete method to increasing your leadership influence. Part one covered genuine interest and building relationships. Part two continued to explain how you can build better relationships. Part three discusses the importance of empathy as a leader. Part One, Two and Three are all…

How to increase leadership influence, part two?

This blog continues on from part one which explains a concrete method to increasing your leadership influence. Part one covered genuine interest and building relationships.  Part two will continue to explain how you can build better relationships. Part One, Two and Three are all available to read! We can decide how we approach our conversations…

How to increase leadership influence, part one?

This blog will tell you a concrete method to increase your influence as a leader. Motivational speaker, leadership coach and businessman Tony Robbins said in 2019 that leadership is about influence over others. The greatest leaders throughout history have been so well known because of their ability to influence others. Influence is developed through connections….

Why your state of mind is important as a leader?

Our state of mind affects others as a leader. As leaders we can learn an incredible lesson from Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom, an inspirational leader. Each year, no matter how tough a situation the United Kingdom is in, no matter what difficulties they face and no matter the differences amongst its population,…