How leadership affects decision making?

In my previous post, ‘why decision making is so important in leadership and business?’ I explained the importance of decision making, and how decisiveness can affect your personal and business life as a leader. To expand on this, this post will discuss how leadership can affect the decision making of others. During my leadership journey,…

Why am I so defensive?

Why am I so defensive? Unfortunately, this is a problem that many people, including aspiring leaders, face today. Being defensive can lead to a breakdown of relationships, general unhappiness or even a lack of progress in your career. Being defensive could look like: getting angry when somebody criticises you, ignoring your partner because you didn’t…

Why decision making is so important in leadership and business?

Decision making is a critical component to people in positions of leadership and in any business. The ability to make effective decisions can be the difference between success and failure. I will tackle this question in two parts: Importance of decisiveness Leadership decisiveness: Non-business & business Importance of decisiveness In short, decisiveness in all areas…

How to be a better leader for your business?

In my early days on my leadership journey I learnt one very important lesson: People don’t leave companies, they leave people. A recent Gallup poll of more one million employed U.S. workers concluded that, the number one reason people quit their jobs is a bad boss which is almost 70%. Crazy right! But, don’t fall…