How to be respectfully assertive, part two?

Part two explains what YOU need to do to become a respectful leader. In part one I discussed why a leader is able to quickly assert themselves on a new team whereas a manager tends to struggle despite ‘knowing’ what to do. It was established that leaders not only know what behaviours they need to…

How to be respectfully assertive, part one?

Imagine you have taken lead of a new team. You have the knowledge, you have the skills, you know what behaviours to exhibit, but the team will not listen to you because you are not assertive enough to stand out. It does not matter how amazing you are because if you cannot assert your position,…

7 steps on how to reflect on yourself?

Self-reflection is an important tool for any leader. I’m not talking about going to mountain-top and meditating with your legs crossed for 72 hours. No, I am talking about taking time out to look at yourself and understand what you are doing well, and what you can improve on. Below are seven steps on how…

How to be a leader not a manager part two?

The article picks up from last week’s blog post, how to be a leader not a manager part two? Below are five more ways on how to behave more like a leader, and less like a manager to be a success in the modern era.  “You manage things, you lead people” Hamza Kahn Missed part…

How to be a leader not a manager, part one?

54% of the global workforce is made up of millennials and Gen Z. This means that the majority of employees today are under 30 years old. These are people who want to work, but dislike being managed. We attempt to manage yet we fail because we are using old methods on a new generation of…