Six tools to become more likeable?

This blog will provide you with a few tools that you can implement to become more likeable. Studies prove that people who are more likeable are happier, see more success and for more meaningful relationships. Whether you are an introvert or extrovert, being likeable is not automatic. Some people naturally have a likeability factor, but does that mean you should just give up? No. The reason people are naturally likeable it because they have been displaying these tools for years. Here are six things that you can start doing right now. There’s also a personal challenge for you at the end!


Studies prove that people who smile more are more approachable and likeable. So remember to smile. Smile when you walk into a room, smile when you meet somebody and smile during a conversation. At first it may seem tough, but after a short period of time it will become natural.

Don’t stop here! Take your growth to the next level. I lay out all the behaviours you need to make the difference in my book. Click here to purchase it (for the price of a cocktail).

Be open and honest

People dislike dishonest people. Humans are great at detecting bullshit. It’s like we have a bullshit detector (well most of us anyway). By being open and honest, people will want to share with you and see you as more trustworthy.

Speak positively and don’t gossip

People are attracted to positive people. As I mentioned earlier, finding the negatives are easy, whereas finding the positives in yourself, others and the situation is difficult. This is because of how our brains work. Our brains are designed to look for the bad in every situation; all to protect us. However, giving in is just too easy. When you think of something negative, question that thought and search hard for the positives. After time, it will be easy and natural.

I know these tools can help make a difference. I would love for your support in helping others by sharing this blog! Help make a difference in peoples lives!

Gossiping about people may seem fun, but really all you are doing it finding the negatives in other people. If you and John are having a conversation and you are gossiping about Sarah, who knows what John is saying about you. Rather than gossiping, focus on John. Ask open questions and get to know John on a deeper level. This will help form a stronger and more meaningful relationship.

Just be you

People can sense fake people. Putting on a façade will make it difficult to connect with people. By being your authentic self, you’ll form stronger and more meaningful connections. 

Listen and ask questions

I mean really listen. Focus on actively listening without speaking. This will allow you to actually hear, not only what the person is saying, but how they’re feeling. You’re then able to ask meaningful and thoughtful questions. These two combined are one of the most powerful tools.

Change your belief

If you believe that no one likes you, then you will show that in your emotion, language and body language. It is easy to focus on the negatives. But what if you reframed your thinking to believe that you are likeable. Do this by focusing on the positives about yourself rather than the negatives. 

So here’s the challenge! Start by implementing just one of these every week and see how much progress you make over 5 weeks. Track meaningful growth following specific interactions! I would love to hear feedback on your progress so feel free to email me or put it in the comments!

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