Studies show that companies who have leaders with higher levels of Emotional Intelligence are more profitable. People with higher levels of Emotional Intelligence also perform better as leaders, not only in business, but also in their lives. This series of blogs is about Emotional Intelligence (EI). EI may not be the easiest of subjects to understand. That’s why I will simplify what it is, why it is so important in today’s world and how you can build your Emotional Intelligence in this three part blog.
Part one will focus on why you need to develop your EI. According to a study by the IHHP, it was proven that after supervisors in a manufacturing plant received training in emotional competencies, lost-time accidents were reduced by 50 percent and formal grievances were reduced from 15 per year to 3 per year. As I mentioned earlier, companies with leaders who have higher levels of EI are more profitable. Not only does being Emotionally Intelligent make more money, but it can help save lives.
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How many times have you experienced your manager lose their temper, blame other people, bring people down when they make a mistake or not admit their own mistakes? We have all experienced this. In my career as an Engineer, the norm was that the managers would shout and abuse Engineers; lose their temper, blame Engineers for making errors when the information was not clearly explain and so on. I have witness grown men and women break down and cry at work. When I entered my career at the age of 18 I experience this same treatment. However, as I used to be quite argumentative, I would argue back which resulted in more abuse. When I questioned why Engineers get treated this way, I was told that “it’s the way things are”. I was not willing to accept that. I was not willing to accept that I would be one of those people, that I could not control my behaviours and that I would be a slave to my emotions. Although I could not change the behaviours of my managers back then, what I did learn is what not to do, so what behaviours I need to display to be Emotionally Intelligent. Albeit, I did not know that’s what it was, but I was learning and growing.
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Your ability to control your emotions can have a profound impact, not only for you, but the people around you. If you have been reading my blogs or my book, Managers Are Not Leaders, I continue to reiterate that your behaviours shape you. If you cannot control your emotions then they will drive your behaviours by having a negative impact on you and others. For example, imagine you ‘woke up on the wrong side of bed this morning’. When you arrived to work, instead of saying good morning, your employee/ colleague, Dave, asked you a question regarding work.

I want you to picture this scenario. You haven’t even had your coffee yet. Dave is starting to annoy you. Your immediate emotions are telling you to snap at Dave (or maybe slap him) and tell him to leave you alone and speak to you later. I want you to imagine saying that. Now imagine Dave’s reaction. He would most likely be shocked and demotivated. What you didn’t know is that Dave got in an hour early to ensure he is prepped for the big presentation today. Now, your emotionally driven behaviour has knocked him for six.
Now I want you to imagine that same scenario, but this time when you feel that emotion of anger and frustration, you look at yourself and think, Dave’s only asking a question, let me help him or respond kindly asking him to “give you a couple of minutes”. Would you have had a positive or negative impact on Dave? Most likely the former.
This is why have high levels of EI is important. It can be the difference between failure and success. It can be the difference between a motivated team and a demotivated one. It can be the difference between happiness and sadness. The difference and impact made is your choice. Your emotions drive your behaviour. If you cannot control these emotions you will not be able to control your behaviour. The starting point for becoming Emotionally Intelligent is you.
Part two will explain how you can start this journey towards high level of Emotional Intelligence.
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How to reference this page
- Toor, J. (2020). Three Behaviours of Emotionally Intelligent Leaders, Part One. Available at:,-part-one/
- Institute of Human Health Potential. (2019). White Paper ROI for Emotional Intelligence. Available at: