Six tools to become more likeable?

This blog will provide you with a few tools that you can implement to become more likeable. Studies prove that people who are more likeable are happier, see more success and for more meaningful relationships. Whether you are an introvert or extrovert, being likeable is not automatic. Some people naturally have a likeability factor, but…

Why do I use daily affirmations?

“That’s a bit weird”. “You’re just masking a deeper issue”. “That won’t make a difference”. These are all things I hear when I tell people I hear when I tell people that I use daily affirmations as a tool to keep myself happy, passionate and motivated. And to be honest, I used to think the…

Learn How To Build Mental Resilience Now, Part One

In this two part blog I will provide you with the tools to understand mental resilience and how to build a mentally resilient mind. The first step to building a mentally resilient mind is self-awareness. The most common problems which cause us pain in the work place are pressure and stress. In my previous blog…

How to master work related pressure and stress?

This blog will give you guidance on how to manage work related pressure (WRP) so that it does not become work related stress (WRS). Globally, in 2018, 15.4 million people were off-work with illness due to stress, depression or anxiety. To bring that to scale, in an organisation with 600 employees, that means ONE person…

How to beat procrastination?

This blog will tell you how to beat procrastination, but only if you’re up to the challenge. Procrastination is the art of finding a way to not do something difficult, challenging or important. And trust me when I say, it is an art. People conjure up incredibly ingenious ways of procrastinating to avoid doing something…

Why people leave bosses, part two?

This page will tell you how to overcome being the reason people leave your team. Imagine reading an employee exit form which states that the reason for the employee leaving is you. The employee actually left because you were a poor manager. How would that make you feel? Would that be enough to prompt you…

Why people leave bosses, part one?

One of the most frustrating parts of being a boss is when people leave. You’ve spent months training an employee only for them to leave. How ungrateful right? All that time you spent telling them what to do. How ungrateful right? All that money the company spent on them. How ungrateful right? Maybe not. Maybe you…

How to be a leader not a manager part two?

The article picks up from last week’s blog post, how to be a leader not a manager part two? Below are five more ways on how to behave more like a leader, and less like a manager to be a success in the modern era.  “You manage things, you lead people” Hamza Kahn Missed part…

How to use SMART goals?

We want to do things so we make a goal but never achieve what we set out to achieve. This is usually because the goals we set for ourselves sound unachievable, difficult or take too long. However, there is a technique to get around this issue. It is called the SMART method. This is a…

How to manage your workload?

Picture yourself at work and the day reaches 12pm. You think to yourself, “I am so busy, I don’t even have time for lunch! Shit, what do I need to do next?!” Imagine yourself at work and the day reaches 5pm and you say to yourself “I still have so much to do, I’ll stay…