How to beat procrastination?

This blog will tell you how to beat procrastination, but only if you’re up to the challenge. Procrastination is the art of finding a way to not do something difficult, challenging or important. And trust me when I say, it is an art. People conjure up incredibly ingenious ways of procrastinating to avoid doing something meaningful, such as applying for a job, writing a book or having a difficult conversation. Here are some example of some I have come across (and even used myself):

  • Sharpening your pencil, when you use a laptop
  • Cleaning the house, when you cleaned it yesterday
  • Looking for that lost jewellery item, that you’ll never wear again
  • Organising your photo album on your hard drive
  • Re-watching a film for the 8th time because you can’t remember how it ends

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I believe that there is one main reason for procrastinating; fear. Fear that if you apply for that job, you might not get it. Fear that if you start to write that book, it won’t be good enough. Fear that if you have that difficult conversation, you might hear something you don’t like. That underlying cause of fear can stop you right your tracks and derail your life if you let it control you. If you let that fear stop you from doing something it will stop you from realising your potential. What if you applied for that job and it turned out to be your dream job? What if you wrote and published that book and it was the best thing you had ever done? What if you had that conversation and it made your relationship stronger?

Do you want to spend your life thinking, what if?

You can beat procrastination by deciding to tackle your fear. It gives you the ability to realise your dreams and goals by taking you to the next level, however, it takes commitment. If you decide that you want to stop losing and start winning you can beat procrastination. The method that I use is my own method of the three A’s: Attention, Affirmation and Action.

Check out my video below on the three A’s and how I used it in my life successfully.

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The core of the three A’s is to hold yourself accountable. A trick I use is to make myself feel guilty. In my down time I love to play video games or watch films. So I make myself feel like I have to earn it. I plan and schedule my days so that my downtime is earnt and deserved rather than a given.

In the end, you decide. Do you want to do the same thing again and again whilst never seeing progress? Or will you take the lead and change the way you tackle life! The question is, are you up to the challenge?

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How to reference this blog

  • Toor, J. (2019). How to beat procrastination? Available at: