Are you interested in learning from other leaders in the world today? Yes, well you’re in luck, because that it was you will get from this post. Experience is essential in leadership and learning from others is one of the most effective and quickest ways to do that.
In this post, the In-Depth Leadership Review of Barrack Obama, I will be reviewing his Leadership behaviours against my A.R.E model and providing a leadership score at the end.
Before I proceed, I want to make clear that the purpose of the In-Depth review in purely to provide a place for leaders to learn. This post does not intend or aim too, in any way, be personally or politically defamatory, insult or have any political agenda. This post is a place for learning.
What is the A.R.E model?
If I’m reviewing a person’s leadership behaviours against a model, then you need to know what that model is. Through years of learning, developing as a leader and researching others, I came to the conclusion that all leaders share three core areas in common; A.R.E. The A.R.E model stands for the three core areas of a leader, which are: Adaptability, Right Behaviours and Experience. Within each core area are elements which are exhibited by great leaders. If you’re interested in learning more, I explain these elements within my Leadership Simplified Handbook, Managers Are Not Leaders. Essentially, the A.R.E model is a method of simplifying how to behave like a leader.
In order to help you better understand the model, in a very simple way, I will share with you my definition of a leader:
“A leader is one who leverages their influence by using their experience to adapt and exhibit the right behaviours to influence any situation to create a positive outcome”
Jas Toor
Essentially, what I will be doing is reviewing how well Obama suits the above definition of a leader.

Who is Obama?
Awarded a Nobel Peace Prize in 2009, “for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples,” Barrack Obama is an American politician, and attorney, who served as the 44th president of the United States from 2009 to 2017. He is, at the time of writing, a member of the Democratic Party. Obama, historically, was the first African American president of the United States.
Strengths & weakness
The leader in questions strengths and weaknesses will be reviewed against the three core areas of a leader: Adaptability, Right Behaviours and Experience. However, let me share some of the more well-known strengths of Obama.
Obama strengths are widely considered to be:
- Charismatic
- Passionate
- Engaging speaker
- Joy for his position
- Calm and composed
According to the Washington Post, Obama’s strengths were always on display; his charming smile, his love for his family displaying his values, his joy for life, his emotion during tragedy and his ability to seem as though he was not only the President, but a person, to name a few.
On the other hand, his weaknesses could be considered to be:
- Over-confidence
- Lack of conviction
According to the Washington Post, one of Obama’s weaknesses was perhaps his over-confidence in himself. Many critics often highlighted the fact that Obama did not achieve all he wanted too despite a very confident opening Presidential Speech in 2014. This could also tie into the lack of conviction in all areas of his promises. For example, according to the Hoover Institute (2015), during Obama’s opening speech he stated “what the United States will do with our friends and allies to degrade and ultimately destroy the terrorist group known as ISIL.” Hoover identify that the use of the word ultimately shows a lack of urgency which can be understood as a lack of conviction, or an empty promise.
Now let’s review Obama against the three core areas:
A leader does not need to be the best at everything. A leader cannot do everything. But what a leader can do, is adapt to any situation and come out the other end winning. Adaptability represents a leader’s ability to be flexible enough to perform and deliver in any scenario.
Firstly, let’s look at his path to presidency. Obama, born in Hawaii, began working as community organiser in Chicago, who then went on to becoming the first black president of Harvard Law review, continued his path onwards to achieve a position of a civil rights attorney. He then went on to represent Illinois Senate’s 13th District and then, what is to be considered his biggest career achievement, become the first black president of the United States.
Adaptability has four component parts: to listen, to change, to react and to act. A leader must utilise them all in order to achieve the best possible outcome. And let’s be honest, despite what all the critics say, being the President of one of the largest geographical and economical countries in the world, is up there with the toughest leadership job of them all. Take for example some of the challenges that Obama faced during his tenor:
- Deep Water Horizon Oil Spill, 2010
- Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
- Baltimore riot (2015)
- Charleston shooting (2015)
- Obamacare
Looking back, on what seems to be a very troubling period, Obama was able to more the country forward to resolve most of the serious challenges that he faced. Take for example, the backlash from Republican’s he faced over Obamacare, despite initial setbacks, Obama stated “The debate over repealing this law is over. The Affordable Care Act is here to stay” and he encouraged over 7 million American to sign up. Or, for another example, during the occupation on Ukrainian Crimea by Russian troops in 2014, Obama did not idly sit back. No, he met with its Ukraine’s newly elected president, Petro Poroshenko, to show support.
So, in answer to the question of whether or not Obama is adaptable, the answer is yes.
Adaptability Score = 1 Star
Right Behaviours
As a leader you need to display the right behaviours to lead people in the right direction, to influence them. If we exhibit the right behaviours, we can increase our ability to influence another person. Leadership is not so much about skills, but above how one conducts themselves to act, or behave. Within this core area there are ten right behaviours.

The purpose of communication as a leader to be engaging, open and honest in order to influence others for a mutual positive outcome.
Obama’s speech was passionate, connecting, personal, empathetic and forward thinking aimed at bringing people together for a mutual positive outcome. Often, people say that Obama pauses a bit too much, but in actuality he uses this incredibly well to create emphasis and to add weight to his words. Obama communicates his why in rhetoric perfectly, and it works.
Score – 1/1
Sovereignty in leadership is essentially to ability to control ones emotions and mind so that decisions are made rationally rather than emotionally. A leader should not just manage the situation, but behave as the sovereign leader, imagine the Queen of England.
In 2020, the death of George Floyd sparked a whole series of events that people could foresee. Many people, celebrities and political figures immediately took to social media to share their opinion on the matter. One person who immediately did not was Obama. Obama released a response a couple of weeks after the event. This is the demonstration of a sovereign leader; one who does not let their emotions run wild and dictate their action. Obama took his time to demonstrate a calm and composed response. See below video.
Does Obama behave like a Sovereign? Yes.
Sovereignty score = 1/1
The language we use changes how people perceive us as a leader and affects whether people trust us or not. The language a leader use is essential as it is one of the most identifiable means to develop trust with another person, which then leads to a connection, which results in greater levels of influence. See below my language equation:
Positivity + Inclusive + Clarity = Trust = Connection = Influence.
Jas Toor
It is quite clear that Obama uses positive language to provide a forward path, he uses inclusive language to create a sense of togetherness, and connection and he is clear is his choice of words as to not create confusion. Obama’s skilful use of language creates trust between him and his supporters, which ultimately increases his influence.
“Hello, Chicago. If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time, who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer.”
This is the opening statement from the newly elected President of the United States Barack Obama in 2008, whose mother had passed away two days prior. In a period of his life when emotions would be running high Barack Obama showed his strength as a sovereign. His speech was pieced together with clear statements which created power behind his words. Just watch the above video for his Presidency speech.
Does Obama use language like a leader? Yes.
Language score = 1/1
The dictionary defines presence as “the state or fact of existing, occurring, or being present.” It goes on to explain presence as “a person or thing that exists or is present in a place but is not seen.” So, if you cannot see it, how can you measure it? How do you quantify it? How can you understand and work to improve your presence? Presence does not need to be a mystical, un-quantifiable and complicated thing.
Presence can be simplified into two categories: tangible and Intangible. Tangible presence is what you actually do. Intangible presence is what people think of you and their opinions of you. Intangible presence is affected by the way you behave and the way you treat people. Our behaviours, as leaders, define our presence.
This one is unquestionable. Obama’s presence as a leader in undeniable. When Obama is in a room, on camera or speaking, people are focused on him. His energy shows that he is always in the room, which is the power of presence. He make strong use of hand gestures, tonality and emphasis to create impact, and give weight to his words.
Does Obama display presence of a leader? Yes.
Presence score = 1/1
Leaders listen and feel to what is going on around them first, then decide on the path forward. Leaders listen to others to draw on their support before making any decisions.
Mark Bowden, in his book ‘The Finish’, in which he has access to Obama to understand the complex story of how SEAL Team Six was sent in to Pakistan to kill Osama Bin Laden, explains of an extremely tough decision which Obama had to make. “This is fifty-fifty” said Obama, speaking to his administration on whether the evidence they had on Bin Laden’s location. According to Bowen, the confidence of the evidence ranged from 10% to 95%. Hardly an easy decision to make. Even after a key figures of the administration, the Vice President Joe Biden, suggested that failure would mean Obama losing his second term as President, Obama had to make a call. In the midst of confusion, lack of information and intense pressure, Obama made the call. He provided clear and concise direction to provide guidance and instruction, but before this he listened.
Obama when he made the fifty-fifty decision on how to eliminate Osama Bin Laden:
- He reviewed the information first and realised there was a lack of it.
- He listened to his teams’ experiences and his own
These two steps are the first part of making the perfect decision.
Does Obama display the behaviour of listening? Yes.
Listening score = 1/1
People are able to connect with people that they feel are being genuine and authentic. When people see a leader as authentic, they hear what they have to say, the people trust the leader more, then form a connection and ultimately this increases the leaders influence.
According to the Washington Post, following Obama’s Presidency run, “There was the promise of transparency and the criticism that his administration was too closed. He exceeded expectations and disappointed: whether it was what the left wanted, or what some African Americans had hoped, or what peace activists demanded”. Did the President do what he promised he’d do? I’d say he tried. It was visibly noticeable how Obama seemed to age and gray during his years as they President. This is the sign of a person in conflict. Perhaps with himself. Perhaps his actions, or inability to fulfil promises, were in direct conflict to his values. However, “Obama has always clung to that confidence and optimism, rooted in struggle and the words of Martin Luther King Jr., himself quoting Theodore Parker: “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” These are the words of a man who lives by his values.
Was Obama seen as authentic? Yes.
Authenticity score = 1/1
Connections equal influence and the strength of a leaders influence is determined by the strength of their connections. Motivational speaker, leadership coach and businessman Tony Robbins said in 2019 that leadership is about influence over others. The greatest leaders throughout history have been so well known because of their ability to influence others. Influence is developed through connections.
In the wake of the Charlestown massacre, Obama was seen, on television, as a father who was wiping away the tears after 20 children and six adults were killed. Obama also displayed anger when gun-control proposals did not move forward. This display of empathy and emotion is a clear of example of how to better connect with people. Now some critics may say that this was for show, but there is a genuine feel to the actions that Obama takes. I mean, just look at the below picture of Obama and the smile on the face of the U.S. Troops. This shows that Obama is ‘one of the people’.

Does Obama form connections like a leader? Yes.
Connection score = 1/1
It can take years to earn trust from a person but a minute to lose it. Building trust takes time but can be broken by not seeing through your actions. When someone trusts you, respect that trust and allow it to build over time. A leader however, should not use that trust for manipulation, but for positive influence.
In the case of Obama, just look at this career history I explained above. Obama is a leader who through hard-work, passion and leadership has earned the trust and respect and his colleagues and the people. A clear example is the fact that he won the election to become the 44th President of the United States. Enough said.
Does Obama develop trust like a leader? Yes.
The compass
The compass is all about becoming the guide by being the calm within the storm. In times of struggle and clouded visions a leader must be decisive to steer the ship forward.
According to Britannica, “on August 3, 2015, the president announced new climate regulations requiring U.S. power plants to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 32 percent below 2005 levels by the year 2030. The new rules also required that 28 percent of electrical generation be fuelled by renewable energy by the same deadline.” This was an executive action which aimed to better the planet for the collective good. When many people were time-wasting, unsure and the vision clouded on which direction to go in, Obama decided. It can be said that this was a good decision because the desired outcome in a positive one for all.
Can Obama be seen as a guiding compass? Yes.
The compass score = 1/1
Confidence not ego
To be clear confidence and ego are not the same thing. Being egotistical is to tailor every situation tailor to your own self-interest. Having confidence is to feel or believe in yourself and others. There is a difference. Ego should not have a place in management, leadership or any area of work. Egotistical behaviour destroys relationships. Rather than focusing on your own self-interest, show confidence by focusing on others.
It should be clarified that when a leader develops influence, they develop power. Confidence is where a leader gives that power back to the people to benefit them, whereas ego is where the leader uses that power to manipulate others. I am not talking about whether the person is confident in the way they speak or walk or dress, no. Confidence is about how a leader treats power.
In regards to Obama, take for example, as explained by the Washington Post:
“Barack Obama’s defining trait as a politician is his total confidence in his own unique abilities. And, for the vast majority of his political career, the belief that he is, more than anyone else in political office, able to solve unsolvable problems and bridge unbridgeable divides has served him very well. That utter confidence is what fueled his decision to run for the U.S”.
Obama has always come across as someone who is trying to benefit the country, or the people. This is a demonstration of a confident use of power. However, there are those who would disagree. For example, according to, Obama did abuse his power as president, such as: The Chrysler Bailout or the Obamacare implementation. These could be seen as “blatant capitalism” or “ensuring a legacy” respectively, which would only be aimed at serving Obama and his political party. This is a demonstration of ego.
Did Obama display confidence in regards to his leadership power? Yes and no. However, due to the lack of consistency, the resultant answer would be no.
Confidence not ego score = 0/1
Right Behaviour Score = 1 Star
Leaders are different because they utilise experience to be able to adapt to any situation. In order to behave more like a leader, we focus on using our experience to help us adapt to any situation. Experience comes in two components:
- Experience you have
- Experience you don’t have
Obama is a man who made decisions based on what on the support of others and his own life lessons. Just take the examples I have shared above. This is a man who utilises experience in the right way, by utilising his own and others knowledge to make the best decision to suit the situation. Now, we will never truly know what happens behind closed doors in the White House, but just based on the support from his cabinet, shows that Obama is a leader who leans on his team.
Experience Score = 1 Star
My opinion
In my opinion, Obama is the definition of a great leader and demonstrates the critical behaviours of a leader. He is one who fits my description of a leader which I share earlier. Most importantly, Obama is somebody who’s main goal is to utilise his influence to make a positive impact on the world for the collective good. That is what I would call a great leader.
A.R.E Rating = 3 Stars
If you feel that I’ve missed anything, leave a comment below. Thank you for reading, JT
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- Washington Post, 2017 –
- Washington Post, 2014 –
- YouTube – Credit to channel owners