“That’s a bit weird”. “You’re just masking a deeper issue”. “That won’t make a difference”. These are all things I hear when I tell people I hear when I tell people that I use daily affirmations as a tool to keep myself happy, passionate and motivated. And to be honest, I used to think the same thing. Until I changed my belief and realised that the power to change and make a huge impact is within me. A quick story about my past; in my early 20’s I was arrested for an “altercation” in a bar. Fortunately, I did not go to prison, but nevertheless I realised then that I needed change and start leading my own life.

There are three things I do religiously every day when I wake up: stretch & exercise, shower and state my daily affirmations (oh yeah, and brush my teeth, but that’s a given). We all know the benefits of the showering and exercising, but why affirmations?
Studies show that daily affirmations are incredible for changing your state of mind. I do not wake up every morning ready to take on the world. There are mornings where I wake up tired, aching and just want to sleep another 3 hours. So how do I overcome these daily issues? By using the powerful tool of affirmations. I find that affirmations are the difference between whether I do something or don’t do something. I find that affirmations are the difference between whether my energy is positive or negative. I find that affirmations are the difference between whether I’m going to make an impact on the world or not.
Going back to my story, when I realised I needed to make a change, I utilised affirmations. Affirmations allowed me to refocus my mind, commit and re-enforce that I am accountable for my own life. I also noticed that affirmating consistently opened my mind to new possibilities forcing me to break down limiting beliefs I once had.
A limiting belief, is a story in which you tell yourself based of previous experiences which stop you from seeing different angles and options. It is a belief that limits your view on what is possible. Once you overcome this, you’ll see that there is not limit, only your creativity.
Affirmations are one of the strongest tools in our arsenal as leaders in our lives. Why? Because they are easily accessible, free and can be done in 30 seconds. All we need to do is change our belief from believing it’s something for weirdos, to it’s something that will change my life!
Below are some of the daily affirmations I say which you can use. So here’s the challenge. I challenge you to exercise saying your affirmations every day for 30 days and see if they make a difference in your life. As you practice you’ll find ones which suit your life!
- My energy is positive and open
- I will make an impact
- I am authentic and genuine
- I am caring and empathetic
- I will build the life I want
- I am a high achiever
- I am in control
- I am a leader of my own life
What I have described above is a form of taking the lead, a true leadership behaviour I discuss in my book. These behaviours helped me take control of my life, can you?
Thanks for reading, JT.
How to reference this blog:
- Toor, J. (2020). Why do I use daily affirmations? Available at: https://pmgrowth.co/why-do-i-use-daily-affirmations?