You can do everything right, but someone will still focus on a single mistake. You can behave in the right way, but you’ll still upset someone. You can receive perfect feedback, but someone will also find a flaw in your armour. No matter what you say or do, people have their own preferences, bias, likes and dislikes so will find a way to criticise you. Receiving criticism not the time to feel demotivated or angry, but to display your Emotional Intelligence as a leader. Here are three steps on how to behave when you receive criticism.
Step 1: Squash the ego
Receiving criticism will most likely stir up emotions, such as anger. Responding to the criticism by channelling your emotional anger is a display of ego. The display is telling others that you believe yourself to be right and perfect which shows a lack of Emotional Intelligence. On the other hand, if you control your ego, not provide a emotional response and take a moment to process, you give yourself a chance to think about how best to behave. This behaviour shows others that you are Emotionally Intelligent and open to doing better. This leads to better relationships and greater levels of trust.

Step 2: Be self-aware
Criticism can either be constructive or destructive. By controlling your ego, you provide space for your mind to be open and be aware of what is actually being said. Destructive criticism, majority of the time, can be accepted and dismissed. Constructive criticism should be listened too as this is the information that can help you develop as a leader.
Step 3: Learn from others
By engaging with the constructive criticism, you will demonstrate to others your higher levels of Emotional Intelligence. By listening to those trying to criticise you can find the knowledge that they are trying to share. One you listen, absorb, and process the information, relay this back to them in a simple manner. This will go a long way is building a better relationship and showing that you are a great leader on a path of learning and growth, rather than one who is only out for personal gain.
Thank you for reading, JT