How does one become successful? This is a question that every single person asks themselves. The answer is simple, but extremely difficult. That is why majority of people don’t achieve what they want in life. I will however, answer that question for you and share with you three key steps to becoming insanely productive!
If we look at every uber-successful person from a business perspective, the Jeff Bozos and Tony Robbins of the world, or someone who know who just seems to be super-happy with their life, they didn’t meet their definition of success just by having good ideas or a good work ethic. No, they had to master key areas of their life in order to allow their minds and bodies to function to meet their ambitions.
The turning point for me was breaking out of the traditional model of thinking that I will be successful when I’m older, that it’ll just happen. I used to this that if I just made my way through life I’d have a family, a house and some money for retirement and that would make me happy. However, when I started to dig deep about what my definition of success was I realised that in order to reach it I first had to master three key fundamentals of my life. Through mastering these three key fundamentals I was able to achieve all of my targets and start to build for the future and build a mind-set of the most successful people that I model.
Before I share with you the three key areas, I want to share with you what I mean by “definition of success”. Every person will have a slightly different perspective of what success means to them. For some, it could be having the dream home and for others it could be having a loving family and for others, it could be the ability to travel and benefit the world. A problem in the world today, and I attribute this mostly to social media, is that that everyone has access to see the lives of the uber-rich and believe that that being rich is what they need to be successful. What they forget however is two essential elements:
- What is their personal definition of success?
- The fundamentals to achieving success

I want you to imagine that you look at Jeff Bozos and think to yourself, “I want to be a billionaire of a multi-billion dollar company”. That is what successful is to me. However, when you dig down into the plan you realise it could take 10, 20 or even 30 years to achieve anything like that level where you’d be working 70-80 hour weeks all day every day. You then question, is that really what you want? By asking open, truthful and realistic questions of yourself, you can narrow down what your definition of success really is. Then you need the three key fundamentals.
Fundamental #1: Master your willpower
At every single point in your life journey your will power will be tested. You always have a choice. Here are some examples:
- You decide whether you wake up at 0700am or 1000am
- You decide whether you exercise or not
- You decide whether you work on learning or play video games
- You decide whether you start a business or not
- You decide whether you smash your targets and achieve a promotion of not
- You decide whether you paint, write a blog or scroll through Instagram.
- You decide whether you talk to your husband/ wife or scroll the Facebook
- You decide whether you snack on fruit or chocolate
- You decide whether you work toward your definition of success or not
At every single moment you decide, am I working toward my future or not?
What I learnt that in order for me to achieve what I want, I need to become the master of my decisions and that comes from mastering my willpower. What enabled me to do this is determine what my why is. Why do I want to become successful and what does success look like to me?
This is the first step.
Fundamental #2: Mastering your emotions
The hardest part about making logical decisions is emotions. This is because they completely contradict one another. At every step your emotions will kick in a try to override your decision making.
I discovered that emotions are affected by internal and external influencers. There are influences inside and outside of your control. As your life plays out you will face situations where your emotions test your willpower.
By mastering your emotions you will be in control of how you decide to move forward. The important part here is to believe in your decisions. Whatever you chose to do, trust in it.
Fundamental #3: Mastering your time
Time is human’s biggest enemy! Or is it? A study from 2018 showed that adults from the United Kingdom want an extra 1 hour 17 minutes per day. If given the choice, I reckon people would want more. More time to do the things they love, to work on their passions and feel in control over their choices.
This was my next toughest step. I just didn’t have enough time, or so I thought. Once I started break down how I can fit in my goals, I realised that actually, rather than squeeze everything in, why don’t I just create time. So that’s what I did. By following my techniques I created over 20 additional hours a week. Sounds impossible right? Well I did it, and so can you.
To help, I put together a short and super-affordable course explaining the steps to master the three key fundamentals as I’ve explained above. Click the link below to discover more. Remember, there’s no pressure to join up, but the choice is yours.

Oh yeah, the tools I share in the course above are the same you’ll find in courses which cost 100x more. How do I know? Because that’s what I paid to learn those tools. I just want to make these tools accessible to all!
The Answer
So what is the answer to the question, how do you achieve your definition of success? The answer is to master the fundamentals and become insanely productive. This will allow you to influence your life to achieve your success.
Look at every person who you see as successful, do they just sit around or do they take action. The answer is the latter and I promise you if you master the three key steps of willpower, emotions and time, you will too become insanely productive.
Thank you for reading, JT.
Be a leader of your life. Do something different today.

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