Becoming more productive is something we all want in life and is one of the most difficult areas of our life to master. If you read my previous blog you would’ve learn the three key areas of your life that you need to master in order to become insanely productive. Focusing of these three areas, I will show you how I did it!
Note: As I go on I don’t want this to come across as bragging, but hopefully as inspiration as to what can be achieved!
Before 2018 I was like most people, asking myself, how do I become successful? I knew I wanted to make an impact, but really couldn’t be bothered enough to try. Then there was what many would describe as a turning point in my life around summer of 2018. I call it walking a new path. Over the last couple of years: I have discovered my passion and purpose, achieved a Master’s Degree, got two promotions, wrote and self-published my own book, trained as a coach, coached my team, got married, bought multiple properties, am debt free, started my own business, trained in public speaking and did my first events, developed two training courses, created and shared a multitude of content on social media, designed and launched my own blog and developed avenues for multiple streams of revenue.
So what were the secrets behind all of this progression?

#1 Willpower
The first question to ask is why I did all of this? I didn’t have too. Pretty much every person I knew wasn’t doing that. Why didn’t I just decide to watch films every days and play video games into the later hours of the night? The answer, is I mastered my willpower.
I had a hard look at my life, my future and asked myself tough questions, such as:
- Do I like the future I see?
- Is my current lifestyle the one I want?
- Is this how I want my future family to see me?
- What is the legacy I want to leave?
Asking questions like these and more allowed me to determine, what is important to me in life and what it is I want. This gave me the power to make the right decisions every single moment because I developed my own compass!
#2 Emotions
The next biggest challenge was how do I not slip back into my old lifestyle? Throughout the journey I faced challenges, setbacks, disappointments and so much more. With all of these experiences come negative emotions.
In order for me to push forward on my journey and overcome any challenge, I had to develop my emotional understanding and control. This was an essential step as it allowed me to:
- Maintain flow
- Maintain a peak state
- Maintain high energy and motivation
- Maintain my commitment
Mastering my emotions allowed me to reframe any negative situation and always move forward.
#3 Time
“How did you find the time to do all that?” That is the question I got asked all of the time. The answer, I become the master of my time.
Instead of looking for time, I made sacrifices and created time.
Instead of making excuses, I took action.
Instead of hoping for the best, I made a commitment to myself, my family and my future.
Once I mastered my time, I realised that time was never the problem, I was. I overcame that, and so can you!
Without these three steps you will struggle to achieve what you want in life and you will struggle to break the mould. These three steps set me on my journey to achieving my version of success. If you do want to build something for yourself and become insanely productive, then my course would be perfect for you!
Thank you for reading, JT.
To help, I put together a short and super-affordable course explaining the steps to master the three key fundamentals as I’ve explained above. Click the link below to discover more. Remember, there’s no pressure to join up, but the choice is yours. The Question I’d ask is, are you willing to do what’s necessary to achieve your version of success?