Do you remember when you just wanted more time? When you said to yourself I wish I had more time? Remember when you didn’t have enough hours in the day? Yeah, so did I, but I tore down that barrier by doing the following exercise and added time to my life. As always, I will simplify the steps and make this transformational exercise easy for you.
For this exercise you’ll need two pieces of A4 paper and a pen.

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Step 1: What you do now?
Grab an A4 piece of paper and draw a vertical line down the centre of the page. On the left create a schedule of the day broken down into 30 minute slots. Then, list everything you do in 30 minute slots. I mean everything. Here are some examples:
- Get ready for work
- Smoking/ drinking
- Video games
- Social media
- Gossiping
- Doing nothing
- Watching TV
- Work
- Working on tasks
- Checking emails
- Making phone calls
- Texting
- Eating
What you will find is that you’re not entirely certain of everything you do in a day. This is part of the problem. Don’t guess or make up what you think you do. Overcome this problem by spending a week tracking everything you do.
Step 2: What do you want to do?
This is where it gets interesting. On the right of the page make a list of everything that you want to do. Here are some examples:
- Read a book
- Spend time with your children
- Learn a new skill
- Exercising
- Start a business
- Speak to your boss about your promotion
- Focus on that difficult task
- Organise your finances
- Plan your wedding
- Going out on a date with your partner
Step 3: Decide and delete
For the items you listed out in step one, score each task between 1-5 of the value they add to your life, with 1 being no value (pointless), 3 being medium value (required to meet needs, i.e. job) and 5 being high value (essential to your happiness). Be honest with yourself. Then, strike out (put a line through) every task that has a value of 1 or 2.
Now, use the second piece of paper and create another schedule broken down into 30 minute slots. However, this time only write down the items that you scored 3 or higher. What you will notice is blank spaces!
Interested in further personal development? My book helps you do that by simplifying how leadership principles can apply to your life which is available on Amazon.
Step 4: Add time!
Hopefully you’ll notice that the gaps. The gaps are time! Now fill those gaps with the activities you want to do! Well done! You’ve just added time to your life!
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How to reference this page
- Toor, J. (2020). How to add time to your life? Available at:
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