Calling all aspiring leaders! This is a post you’ll want to read!
In this series of posts I will be discussing effective leadership principles for the Younger Generation, principles I wish I had known about or learnt when I was starting out on my leadership journey. No matter your style, niche or scale, these principles will form the foundation of your leadership behaviours. In this series I will be covering the following principles explaining why it’s important, how you develop in this area and what you can do to start now: Communication, Authenticity, Influence, Decision Making and Behavioural Accountability.
The first principle is up there with the most important of the lot: Communication.
In all aspects of not only our leadership journey, but also our life, communication is ever present. It forms the basis of our relationships, our development, and our successes and is often used as a measure of a leader’s ability.
Communication is the starting point for all. Not just leaders and managers, but for all people. Every single conversation, look, expression and gesture has an outcome. A friendly “Good Morning” with a smile, changes someone’s perception of you. If you are a leader and you greet your team with a scowl, they will avoid and hide things from you, but a friendly warm smile provides a completely different outcome.
Whilst speaking publicly to an audience, open palms suggests that you are open and trusting, whereas a closed fist and crossed arms say that “it is my way or the high way.”
“Two simple communication tools for a leader are to communicate clearly and concisely and with one vision”
When communicating, there is a difference between telling and explaining. A great leader understands that there must always be an outcome but does not solely focus on the outcome. A leader does not tell you what to do but explains to you why, how and what you need to do what you need to do. This provides purpose, a method and the parameters to work between. When we explain why, how and what; we provide clarity and an aligned one vision.
In order for you to start seeing exponential growth as an aspiring leader here are some suggestions to adopt this principle:
- In every interaction remember that you are trying to reach an outcome
- When communication ensure you explain why, how and what
- Focus on providing clear and concise communication. Keep it simple!
- Leave people aligned to the one vision of the outcome
Remember, leadership is a journey and you will be constantly evolving and growing as a leader as your experiences in life change!
Thanks for reading, JT. Don’t miss part two: Authenticity.

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