Deal With Resistance Like A Pro, Part Three

This blog continues on from part one and two, providing you with the tools to overcome resistant. In part one, I explain the importance of emotions and how you can bring your subconscious emotions to the conscious. In part two, I provided one tool on for overcoming your emotions, which are seemingly uncontrollable. If you haven’t read part one or two I suggest you do that and then come back to read part three. Part three will provide you with one tool for overcoming resistance from other people.

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Earlier in my career I believed that one of my weakest areas was negotiation. I believed this because I wasn’t great at ‘convincing people’ to do things my way. I spent years struggling to get people to understand and do what I want until I learnt one very important lesson, I was making the wrong person understand. All those years I was making people try to understand me which was completely the wrong way to look at it. I learnt this lesson after studying great leaders, marketing books and attending workshops.

The lesson is that “people will start to agree with you when they feel understood”. I spent years making people try to understand me, when I should have spent the time trying to understand them.

That is the tool. Spend the time to understand them and what their concerns are, i.e. resistance, rather than just telling them what you want. If you can understand them and solve their problems they are more likely to agree with you and be less resistant. The main reason is because this makes them feel valued!

You can become great by changing two key behaviours; your language and listening. Now, if you want to make a difference and want to take yourself to the next level, then you need to learn and master these tools. I simplify the detail in my book ‘Managers Are Not Leaders’ (available on Amazon). Don’t waste any more time and learn how to make a difference. Click here to go direct to Amazon.

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