Leadership Dilemma Part Three: What to do when people won’t listen to you?

You’ve got so many ideas. You know you can make an impact. You know you’re ready to take the lead, except no one is listening to you. You can be at the start of your journey, in the middle or towards the end. We all face this dilemma where we feel as though people aren’t listening us. I want you to know that you’re not alone and that your big ideas and enthusiasm don’t need to go to waste. In this blog I will share with you how I overcame this challenge in the past.

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I want you to know that you’re not alone, I have been there too. Now, in my career I have built a reputation and rapport with people so that I am listened to, but it’s not always rosy. I still face this challenge as a new businessman starting out. Trying to get people to hear my message so that I can create a positive impact. So here’s what I did in the past and here’s what I do now.

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I remain positive. I understand that this path that I am on is a journey. I need to lead from the front by continue to do what I believe is right. For example, early on in my career when seniors were not interested in my change initiatives which could save time, I did it anyway by myself. Once it worked they praised me. When projects were lacking accountability, I took the lead and lead from the front. Once it worked, they praised me. And now, with my business I will do the same. I will lead from the front and do the best that I can.

The best way to get people to pay attention to you is to lead from the front. Be your own leader and people will start to follow.

No matter what stage in life you are in or who isn’t listening to you, take the lead. Lead from the front, remain positive and trust that your life is a journey and by consistency, you will get what you want.

Remember that famous quote by Bill Gates: “300 people showed some interest. Only 85 people actually did anything. 30 took a serious look. And 11 made me a multi-millionaire.”

Thank you for reading, JT.

If you would like the opportunity to explore with me how you can achieve what you want in life. Contact me here.

How to reference this page

Toor, J. (2020). What to do when people don’t listen? Available at: https://pmgrowth.co/leadership-dilemma-part-three:-what-to-do-when-people-won’t-listen-to-you?

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