“What is my purpose?” This question has been around for centuries and yet, is one of the most difficult to answer. According to a study, 89% of 16-29 year olds claim that their life lacks meaning or purpose. This is a problem and in this post I want to help simplify a solution for you.
Look, I’m not just going to regurgitate some information I’ve read on other people’s blog posts. No, I’m going to share one of the first steps that I went through to discovering my purpose, understanding “what is a purpose?”
I didn’t partake in the study carried out, but if I did, I’d be one of the 89%. Today, I understand exactly what my purpose is. I take on my days with passion and meaning because I know that I’m working to a bigger purpose. However, it wasn’t always like that. Up until two years ago, I believed that my life lacked purpose. I was coasting through the days, weeks and months not really feeling a sense of achievement. Although I was seeing progression in my career and relationships, I always felt as though something was missing. That is when I pushed myself out of my comfort zone to invest my own money into myself.

After seeking answers in books and videos I discovered that I needed to find a purpose, but couldn’t really find a simple method to getting there. I attended courses which helped me discover more about myself and I read and listened and watched. Yet, not answer. As someone with an Engineering background I decided to break the problem down into simple steps which allowed me to find the exact answer I needed. The first step was understanding “what is a purpose?”
Something I’d like you to learn is will help you in all challenges that you face. If you’re unsure of how to achieve a goal, break down the steps. This will simplify the problem and make it easier to achieve. I did this because I found that there is a lot of talk out there about why having a purpose is good, but not a lot on actually helping people find a purpose. So breaking down the problem helps you overcome it.
So what exactly is a purpose?
Well, the dictionary definition of a purpose is:
- A person’s sense of resolve or determination.
- The reason for which something is done
I won’t complicate things any further. That is exactly what it is. But what does that mean to you and your life?
- A purpose is the reason why you do what you do.
- A purpose drives the actions you make
- A purpose determines how hard you try at something
- A purpose gives you resolve when facing tough challenges
- A purpose gives you reason to wake up every morning and make a difference
- A purpose gives you excitement and passion
For example, I determined that throughout all of my life all I’ve wanted to do is make a positive impact in another person’s life. Whether that be through the relationship, my actions, and my choices and so on. I did not realise this until two years ago. When I did, I looked at how I could do that daily, and hence my blog was born. Once I discovered my purpose I looked at my life and said to myself, “is what I am doing having a positive impact?” The answer was no. I then asked, “What can I do to make an impact?” And the answer was to use my expertise and knowledge to share with the world, even if I positively impact one person a day, I serve my purpose and it gives me energy and makes me happy.
That is what a purpose is.
A purpose in Leadership
Having a purpose in leadership is essential. If you read my recent post, you need discipline in Leadership, then you will know that the journey of a leader is riddled with challenges, complication and setbacks. Without discipline a leader will struggle to continue on towards greatness. And to fuel that disciple, you need a purpose.
This purpose does not need to be about changing the world, re-creating an entire company or organising an entire movement, it can be something as small as my purpose: to have a positive impact in every interaction and decision I enter.
Through having a purpose, a leader can maintain discipline to adhere to their principles and the behaviours of a leader. This will allow them to go on to become a great leader.
Barriers to entry
According to the study of 1,500 Brits, conducted by Yakult UK, the biggest barrier to finding purpose and achieving greater happiness is a lack of finances. Over the years I have heard many reasons for barriers to discovering ones purpose in life, such as:
- Lack of time
- Lack of finance
- Troubled past
- Undeserving
- No support
I want to tell you that barriers to entry are an excuse. The reason we make excuses in this situation if because we’re afraid of finding out what’s on the other side. By showing leadership in your life, personally developing yourself and finding out what is truly important, you will discover that your purpose will shift the entire fabric of who you “think” you are.
If you succumb to excuses, you will never be truly happy. If you invest in yourself, you will transform your life.
I hope this post brought you value and I would love it if you could support me in being able to create more by subscribing and sharing this with your friends and colleagues. Let’s make a difference together!
Thanks for reading, JT
If you want to invest a small amount into yourself to master your willpower, time and emotions so that you can develop discipline and determine a purpose, then the course below is for you.
- Yakult UK, 2019 Study on Purpose and Happiness
10/10! Is there anything more I should consider next? Or is this sufficient?
Thanks! I would recommend the Authentic Leader Course in the link above! Its short, packed full of information and affordable.