Three methods on how to overcome fear

I will explain how to overcome some common examples of fear. The main reason people do not act is because of fear. No matter what the excuse may be, the reason do not act upon something is due to fear. For example, you do not jump out of a plane because of the fear of it going wrong and death. You do not stand up on stand and present your idea because of the social ramifications. You do not approach your boss for a promotion because of your fear they will turn you down. So here are three methods to overcome your fear. 

Stop giving a f*ck

Scared that someone will say your presentation wasn’t good? Who gives a f*ck. 

Afraid that people won’t like your ambitions? Who gives a f*ck. 

Afraid your boss will turn you down for a promotion? Who gives a f*ck.

Focus on the positives

It is far too easy to focus on the negatives. For example, if your boss says that you are not ready for a promotion. Rather than focusing on how bad you are, what you’ve done wrong and wallow in self-pity, focus on how you can become ready. If the people you socialise with look down on your ambitions, rather than throw your dreams in the bin, focus on making your dreams a reality and find people who will lift you up. 

Take the lead

In every situation we decide whether to focus on the positives or negatives. It is far too easy to focus on the negatives become that is how we have been conditioned throughout our life. Throughout life, news media, school and our parents have always told us to be risk adverse and which leads us to focus on the negatives.

Be different and make a conscious effort to reframe the situation to focus on the positives. It will change your life. 

If you are interested on learning how to be a leader of your life, read my new book out on Amazon now by clicking here!

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