How to be a leader not a manager part two?

The article picks up from last week’s blog post, how to be a leader not a manager part two? Below are five more ways on how to behave more like a leader, and less like a manager to be a success in the modern era.  “You manage things, you lead people” Hamza Kahn Missed part…

How to be a leader not a manager, part one?

54% of the global workforce is made up of millennials and Gen Z. This means that the majority of employees today are under 30 years old. These are people who want to work, but dislike being managed. We attempt to manage yet we fail because we are using old methods on a new generation of…

5 differences between a leader and a manager

Leaders and manager are different. There are plenty of quotes and sayings out there about the difference and they tend to go something like this: ‘A leader shows you the way, a manager tells you the way’. There are many, who people argue are the best, leaders. People such as Martin Luther King, Theodore Roosevelt,…