Congratulations! You’ve started a new role and you want this role to be different to the last. You want to make an impact right? You want to feel like you’re making a difference right? You want to feel like you’ve developed right? You can achieve all of this, but you need to elevate your thinking! In this blog I want to share with you three essential steps to elevate your thinking and kick start your new role.
Before you read on these essential steps will be more challenging than most. These steps are not basic time management or just being nice. These are steps which will take you to the next level, literally.
Apply Leadership principles to all aspects of your role early on
It’s a common myth that leadership is reserved for the Directors, CEOs and special amongst us. That’s nonsense. You are able to be a leader, just in your own way. By applying leadership principles early on you’ll be able to increase your level of influence quickly, develop yourself and make an impact. You’ll also stand out amongst your colleagues which is also incredibly important to allow you to progress quickly.
Leadership is not complicated. I’ve simplified the principle into three core areas which can be found in my book which you can buy here (US) and here (UK).

Develop Emotional Intelligence Early
Being Emotionally Intelligent can no longer be ignored. I do not believe that Emotional Intelligence is a passing fad. I truly believe that being Emotionally Intelligent is a must for all people looking to lead. I’ve written a more detailed three-part series which can be found here.
Practice a solution driven mind set
No matter how bad the news is for the project or what goes wrong, be that people who is always looking forwards. This is a solution driven mind set. By avoiding getting embroiled in the negative blame game, focus on bring people together to find a solution. You will be seen as a leader very quickly.
Remember that in order to make an impact, feel like you’re making a different and develop at the same time, you need to be pushing yourself in realms of knowledge and practice that you’ve never experienced before!
I trust this helps, JT.