The need for leadership is a constant in society, but the style of how we lead is constantly evolving. The society of today is hugely different to the society of the 1950s. We are a more diverse, open and information based society. People are still people, but the way people think, behave and act is different which means that the way we lead those people should also be different. I believe that there is a gap in the way the people of today are, not only led, but taught leadership.
In the majority of schools, leadership behaviours are not taught and very few truly understand what it means to be a leader where very few receive the coaching, or guidance, to become a leader. This is why people, such as Steve Jobs, Nelson Mandela or Oprah Winfrey are considered to be great leaders. They are people, just like you and me but decided to behave differently and were in control of their actions. They did not learn how to be a leader in school because they learnt along the way. They understood their values but used life’s lessons to teach them how to change their behaviours in order to become a better leader. They probably did not realise they were such great leaders until later on in their lives.

This gap is what leaders are taught and how they behave in a modern society is why I believe that my Leadership A.R.E model, which I explain in my book, is so important. There are two whole generations currently managing our projects and their lives using outdated management techniques.
It is important to understand that to be a great leader you do not need to be the next Steve Jobs, Winston Churchill or Mahatma Ghandi. You just need to be a great leader at what you do, whether that is a leader for you and your own life, leading a project team of 30 people or leading a business of 3000 people. Leadership behaviours are the same.
My model, which is splits leadership into three core areas, gives you the simplified tools our future generations need to behave as leaders so that we can bridge the gap. So that we can inspire ourselves to become leaders, make an actual difference in people’s lives and then go on to inspire the next generation of leaders. The three core areas are:
- Adaptability – 4 components
- Right Behaviours – 10 components
- Experience – 2 components
I explain the A.R.E model within my book, Managers Are Not Leaders, which I encourage you to read. It is concise, accessible to all ages and affordable. Before you switch off, this isn’t about trying to sell you my book, but to bring to you a new way of thinking and developing yourself as a leader.
I hope my book can make a difference in your life.
Thank you for reading, JT